Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for our body to assimilate calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid conditions such as osteoporosis or rickets. In addition to assimilating these minerals, Vitamin D is vital for our nervous, muscular and immune systems, which we will talk about today.

Properly synthesized vitamin D serves as a reinforcement of the immune system, since it makes the white blood cells “mature” earlier. For this reason, it is so beneficial when we speak of infection processes by fungi, bacteria or viruses.

How is vitamin D synthesized?

Mainly through the sun. It is not about lying in the sun for hours every day, but about spending between 10 and 20 minutes a day, walking, reading or simply doing nothing under the sun.

The use of high protection sunscreens has, in a generalized way, made the population of countries like Spain or Italy, where the sun shines almost daily, to have this vitamin deficits. While in Nordic countries, where the sun it is scarce, the levels of this Vitamin are correct. The cause is simple, these countries are used to supplementing, since the sun does not shine every day.

Optimal level of Vitamin

Maintaining an optimal level of Vitamin D in our body living in Spain is not complicated. You just have to try a good diet that includes oily fish, eggs, avocados and dairy. A short, controlled and varied daily sun exposure (sunbathing in a different part of the body every day, to avoid premature aging of the skin), is the key for our body to take advantage of all the Vitamin D.

If for any reason you need to supplement with, either this or another vitamin, please visit a health professional. They will show you the correct way to do it, so that your immune system keeps possible infections at bay.

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