Masaje Facial Kobido

Kobido facial massage

Kobido Facial Massage is an ancient Japanese technique that has gained popularity around the world due to its notable benefits.

Have you heard of the Kobido Facial Massage? Are you curious to know what it is about and if it is for you?

Kobido Facial Massage is an ancient Japanese technique that has gained popularity around the world due to its notable skin and well-being benefits.

Give us just a few minutes of your time and we will tell you, first-hand, what it is like, what benefits it has and why it has become one of our clientele’s favorite treatments. You dare?

Origin of the Kobido Facial Massage

The Kobido Facial Massage has its origins in Japan. Some sources indicate that it was practiced among samurai to relax after battles. For many years, Kobido massage was only available to the Japanese royal family and nobility.

It was not until 1984 that Doctor Mochizuki, heir to an important family of Japanese doctors, moved to North America and there, he began to practice and teach the art and technique of this sensational massage.

The Kobido Facial Massage

Its main characteristic is the rejuvenating effect it has on the face and neck, hence it is also known as a Japanese facelift. Due to its technique, it promotes the natural production of collagen and elastin. It is a very energizing massage, which, to the surprise of our clients, produces a wonderfully calming effect.

Combine the massage with the use of oils and facial sprays with aromas that transport you to places from which you feel you never want to return. After a few simple questions, the specialist will determine what type of products best adapt to the specific needs of each client. Always taking into account the nature of the skin to be treated, whether oily, dry, combination, sensitive, ultrasensitive…

The Kobido Facial Massage treats those areas that may concern us, as it reduces expression lines and increases the firmness and luminosity of the skin. The specialist can influence the areas to be treated. At the end of the massage, our clients tell us that they initially opted for this massage as an aesthetic treatment, but that the experience of deep well-being obtained with the massage also makes it a therapeutic treatment. With the addition of the peace of mind of not undergoing any invasive procedure.

What is the Kobido Facial Massage?

As we always say, each person is a world. And every massage too. Life habits, mood, diet, among other factors, influence each person to feel the massage differently.

In the case of the Kobido Facial Massage, the treatment begins with the application of a hot compress to the face. The skin is cleansed, relaxed, and prepared to receive the benefits of this massage. Starting with the upper part of the chest, shoulders and neck, the professional performs with her hands a series of quick percussive movements that are very pleasant for the person receiving them.

There are professionals who also use tools in addition to their hands, such as a jade stone or rose quartz roller. At Zenia Natural, our specialist prefers in this case to use her hands to work on the skin and deep tissue.

Masaje Facial Kobido

This massage activates all the internal muscles and tissues of the face, as well as the fascia that covers our skull. We already know the importance of taking care of fascial tissue for our body. If you have not yet read our article on this topic, we leave it to you at the following link.

Related: Muscle fascia

Benefits of Kobido Facial Massage

We already know that massages in general have a series of benefits for our body. If you want to read more about these benefits, click here to read the full article on the benefits of massage.

On this occasion we are going to focus on the benefits that we can obtain from the Kobido Facial Massage, which, as we will see, are not few!

  • Regenerates the skin. This massage activates the formation of collagen and elastin, reducing signs of aging and expression lines and eliminating dead cells.
  • Reduces flaccidity. It is an invigorating massage, which, based on rapid movements of the professional masseuse’s hands, activates more than sixteen muscles of the face, providing firmness and elasticity.
  • Benefits blood and lymph circulation. Good circulation is always a sign of health, also on our face. Through this massage, oxygenation and nutrition of the cells are increased and the correct elimination of toxins with lymphatic circulation is promoted.
  • Releases tension from facial and neck muscles. This is the effect that is seen and felt. The face relaxes, the expression becomes more nuanced, the facial muscles lose rigidity while gaining elasticity. You will feel the lightness of a weightless, uncontracted face, with each and every one of its muscles stretched and in shape.
  • Activates the neuromuscular zone by manipulating, stretching and massaging soft tissues.
  • Increases balance throughout the body through the reflex zones located on the face.
  • It produces an unparalleled feeling of well-being, peace of mind and contributes to an improvement in mood.
  • Its effects are evident from the beginning of treatment. Depending on the patient’s needs, our specialist will recommend a certain number of sessions, although the results are noticeable from the first session.
  • After the Kobido Facial Massage the skin is radiant, revitalized, and best of all, totally stress-free. But not only the areas that have received the massage, relaxation and well-being transcend to the rest of the body.

Kobido Facial Massage in Zenia Natural

As we have already mentioned, our clients are pleasantly surprised when, after finishing the Kobido Facial Massage, they feel calm, calm, and light. It is one of the most pleasant effects that this massage produces, which also provides, as we now know, multiple benefits.

If you want to try the wonders of this ancient Japanese massage, all you have to do is contact Zenia Natural, we will be happy to provide you with the best service, always appropriate to your needs and your particular case. Nothing better than pampering yourself with this sensational massage to welcome the change of season.

If you are in Orihuela Costa, Torrevieja or anywhere on the South Costa Blanca or the Costa Cálida of Murcia, do not hesitate to come and meet us. And remember that at Zenia Natural we are available all year round to take care of you and your well-being.