CBD para tratar la artrosis en perros

CBD to treat osteoarthritis in dogs

On this occasion we will talk about CBD to treat osteoarthritis in dogs. A problem so common that, however, it increasingly has more treatment alternatives.

Various sources point out that, on average in Spain, four out of every ten households have a dog and one out of ten have a cat. And with these data in hand, we thought that it was time to write an article about our inseparable companions.

Want to know more? Keep reading as in this article we explain how you can significantly improve the quality of life of your pet.

What is CBD and what is it for?

CBD (short for cannabidiol) is one of the many components of the cannabis or hemp plant, also known as marijuana. This plant is famous for its more playful and social properties. In addition to CBD, another component is mainly known from the cannabis plant, THC.

Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the other best-known element of cannabis and is responsible for the psychoactive effects that the use of this plant entails. CBD, however, is not attributed this kind of effect, quite the opposite.

Unlike THC, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, which means it will not make you feel or intoxicated. CBD has been studied for its potential therapeutic properties and has been used in the treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions.

Various studies suggest that consuming CBD, mainly as oil, helps the endocannabinoid system to regulate itself and function fully.

The endocannabinoid system

Surely the nervous system, the digestive system, the renal system or the circulatory system among others sound familiar to you. But have you heard of the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system is a biological system present in the human body and many other mammals. This system plays a crucial role in the regulation of several physiological functions and biochemical processes.

Although it can be commonly associated with cannabis, it is important to note that the endocannabinoid system is an inherent part of our body, independent of the consumption of this plant. It is a communication system between cells.

How does the endocannabinoid system work?

The endocannabinoid system works globally and not just in the brain, so although it may seem similar to a neurotransmitter system, the endocannabinoid is even more complex, having to reach other organs. This system is present in all mammals, not just humans.

What the consumption of CBD achieves activates certain receptors in our brain to send our brain messages of well-being to the cells of our body.

So, CBD cannot be considered as a medicinal agent itself, but rather as a palliative supplement that can help reduce the symptoms of some disorders. Among them pain, inflammation, anxiety and other discomforts derived from diseases.

Osteoarthritis in senior dogs

If you are reading this article it is because you consider your dog as someone else in your family. You take care of it, you feed it, you play with it, you keep it clean, hydrated and ultimately you are concerned about its well-being as you are about your own.

Unfortunately, we know that our best friends have a very short lifespan compared to ours and we must be aware that their care must change over time as their needs change.

If your dog is already considered senior, you may notice that he no longer wants to play, has trouble going up and down stairs or wants to shorten his walks. If he also withdraws when you caress him or even whines or reacts angrily, it is possible that your dog is showing some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Talk to your veterinarian so that he can confirm the diagnosis and establish an appropriate treatment.

How to treat your dog’s osteoarthritis with CBD?

The use of CBD to treat osteoarthritis in dogs is already as common as it is in humans. As you can imagine, osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative joint disease and it is a pathology that is as annoying in animals as it is in humans.

You can start by “listening” to their reactions. If it bothers him that you touch him, don’t do it, if he has trouble running or limps, don’t force him, if he can’t jump into the car or the sofa, help him. Buying him a particularly soft bed, trying not to expose him unnecessarily to the cold during the winter and of course a good diet, are small details that will make his life considerably more comfortable.

And if you want to go a step further and treat their pain from within, consult your veterinarian about chondroprotectors or supplements that promote hydration and nutrition of articular cartilage in dogs and about the star of our article, CBD.

CBD to treat osteoarthritis in dogs

Several studies have concluded that the intake of CBD oil in dogs and other domestic animals with osteoarthritis problems has significantly helped to improve their discomfort. Its benefits in animals suffering from seizures, nausea, arthritis, allergies and even cancer are also relevant.

As in humans, the cannabinoid system positively influences various physiological processes such as appetite, stress and anxiety management, inflammation and emotions, among many others.

How to administer CBD oil to your dog?

As we always advise you, and this time it will not be different, the most important thing is that you always go to your trusted specialist. In this case to your vet, who knows your dog and can diagnose any ailment that he may suffer.

CBD oil should be administered according to your veterinarian’s guidelines, since each animal has a weight and characteristics that make it different. So that, always under his supervision, you will be able to supply the precise dose to alleviate the discomfort of your furry companion.

In addition to the physiology of your dog, it must be taken into account that not all oils have the same concentration of CBD. For this and the above reasons, always seeking the advice of a professional is essential.

Where to buy CBD for my dog?

Do you have an older dog that has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, arthritis or any other disease that causes pain? Are you or are you going to travel to Alicante, near Orihuela Costa or Torrevieja? Come talk to us.

At Zenia Natural we have a wide range of CBD oils to treat both your dog and you. We want to help you improve your quality of life. Our specialist in Natural Medicine will advise you so that you can take home the best possible product according to your individual needs.

In addition, as you already know, we have a wide variety of natural products and we will be happy to recommend those that can best contribute to your well-being. Contact us, you can come visit us at our store, call by phone, or write an email or WhatsApp, we can’t make it easier for you!

Tell us about your case and let us accompany you. Your health is our priority.