zenia natural homeopatia y naturopatia, homeopathy and naturopathy

What is the difference between Homeopathy and Naturopathy?

Today we talk about the difference between homeopathy and naturopathy. It is common that these terms are sometimes confused, however we are trying to see what they consist of and we will comment on the main differences.

Both disciplines try to heal the body using natural remedies, but apart from this, they have little else in common. Although many people think that there is no big difference between homeopathy and naturopathy, the truth is that both approach the disease from two totally different points of view.

Homeopathy is based on the premise that a certain disease with the same or similar symptoms is capable of curing another disease. On the contrary, the different naturopathic treatments try to strengthen the body so that it can fight it.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy, which has been practiced for about 200 years, maintains that the symptoms caused by a toxic substance in a healthy person can be cured by a remedy prepared with the same toxic substance, according to the similia similibus curantur principle (what like cures like).

The homeopathic remedy is made from the dilution of natural substances of animal, vegetable or mineral origin. These substances produce effects in the body identical to those produced by the diseases to be treated. The patient takes these same substances but administered in highly diluted doses.

The homeopath is in charge of prescribing the homeopathic medicine, taking into consideration the patient’s medical history, their symptoms, their physical and psychological state. Homeopathy can be used as a sole treatment or as a complement to conventional drugs.

In Spain, for some time now, homeopathic remedies have been sold exclusively in pharmacies. Its use in other European countries is widespread.

What is naturopathy?

Naturopathy is one that seeks diagnosis and treatment without resorting to pharmacology. It focuses on eliminating the source of the disease rather than just treating the symptoms by stimulating the body itself. Naturopathic treatments take into account the entire organism, in other words, they are aimed at treating the body and the mind.

The integral treatment of the patient is one of its aspects to underline. This fact includes several methodologies such as herbal medicine, nutrition, aromatherapy, reflexology, herbal medicine, acupuncture and many others.

Currently, with a sedentary lifestyle, stress, vices and poor nutrition, our bodies are losing their ability to regenerate themselves, so we must return to a more natural life, combining a healthy and balanced diet with more air and sun. , the exercise that suits us best according to age and possibilities and the much-needed rest that we sometimes overlook.

What are the differences between homeopathy and naturopathy?

While homeopathy uses medicines to cure diseases, naturopathy treats the body globally. Basically, what you are trying to achieve through naturopathy is to prevent these diseases from appearing, or at least, try to provide the body with the necessary tools for better healing.

Homeopathic treatments usually come in the form of small balls that are administered to the patient according to the advice of the professional consulted. Naturopathy can be administered through infusions, tinctures, pills, massages, acupuncture techniques, dietary guidelines, Bach flowers, etc.

At Zenia Natural we have naturopathy consultations available to our clients. We offer complete advice regarding the different treatments, and the different ailments that may affect you. Come and meet us if you want to maintain or improve your health in a natural way.